Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sounds Like Life to Me

I'm not complaining, just letting you all know about my week thus far since Rusty left.

Tues- Rusty leaves

Wed- go to podiatrist, he confirms stress fracture and puts me in a cast. My right foot mind you, and says I shouldn't drive and stay off of it as much as possible in the next two weeks. Right, I'm home by myself with a 14-month old.

Thurs- returning from Barnes & Noble, (yes I was driving) Eli gets sick about 1 mile from home. And pukes all. over. everything. Strip him down, throw him in the front seat b/c his car seat is DISGUSTING and I will NOT put him back in it. Yes, I am aware that this is against the law. But I'm not Britney Spears, leave me alone. Spend over an hour cleaning up car, carseat, diaperbag, but cannot get the smell out of the Jetta. Will have to get it detailed at some point. So glad we don't have nice cars. So, in the interim I get his infant car seat down from the attic (yes, in my cast) and thankfully Eli is not too big for it yet! So I put it in the Subaru and we've been rocking that since Friday.

Friday- Go into town to run some necessary errands. Subaru is on empty, so stop to fill that up. Drive to pick up E's shot records, drive on post pick up a copy of my bone scan to take to my podiatrist. Can't get on post because my wallet is not in my purse, thus no ID. Realize I left my wallet on top of my car when filling up with gas at the service station by my house, 30 minutes away. Call gas station, no wallet. Drive back to gas station, creeping up and down highway, no wallet. Up until this point, I had been cool as a cucumber. Saying goodbye to Rusty, I didn't cry. Cast, no tears. Puke, not a tear, although I did gag some. Now I cry. I cry because the thought of having to get a new DL, new military ID, new debit cards, credit cards, etc is too much. ugh. Call my minister's wife and dear friend Maurine. She agrees to watch Eli so I can hunt for my wallet. On the way there I see a flash of red on the side of the road...MY WALLET! YESSSSSSSSSSS! I immediately begin praising God!

Saturday- pretty uneventful, except Eli has developed a runny nose, cough and loss of appetite

Sunday- up, ready for church, Eli wakes up, eats a decent breakfast, but he feels warm. 101.5 temp. awesome. I text my RN friend, Megan. She suggests I take him to the urgent care clinic where she works. So, off we go. I am PRAYING it's not the flu. Thankfully, it's only a cold, but he does have the beginnings of an ear infection. Got some antibiotics to nip that in the bud.

Monday- ?????? BRING IT.


  1. SO GLAD YOU FOUND YOUR WALLET!!!!!! I would have cried too. Love you!

  2. WHAT A WEEK! I'm sorry, my friend! This week will be better. :) We gotta catch up one evening this week. Love you! :)

  3. I'm laughing because I LOVE your writing and it was all with a comical twist!! You make anything funny daughter!! You are the strongest girl I know!!! and I'm proud!!! LOVE YOU!!! Hope to see you soon!!!
