Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Whole30 Challenge

Well, it begins tomorrow. I am embarking on a 30-day challenge to reset my body's dependence and cravings on the crap I have shoved into it for years. On average, I eat better than a large percentage of most Americans I would say. But, I want to get back to what I feel like is more in line with what God and nature intended. Then I stumbled across this amazing website, Whole9 Life. The movement was started by a couple who really wanted to focus on helping people strip all the crap that they ate from their diets, thus resulting in improved health and fitness. I could go in to the whys and the science behind the concept, but I won't bore you in case you aren't interested. If you are, you can check out more info on their website. It is very similar to the Paleo/Primal diet, but the 30 day challenge is extremely strict, no cheating whatsoever. Basic tenants of the Whole30 challenge, as they call it, are as follows:

1. No processed food of any kind
2. No grains
3. No dairy
4. No sweeteners or added sugar, even natural (i.e. honey) or artificial (i.e. Splenda)
5. No alcohol
6. No legumes (beans, peanuts)

People have been asking me, "But what will you eat?!" The answer in order of priority:

1. Lean meat, seafood
2. Fresh veggies
3. Fresh fruit
4. Healthy fat (nuts, seeds, coconut milk, EVOO)

I love the approach and the attitude of the people behind the Whole30. Some excerpts from their website that I love:
"It is not hard. Don’t you dare tell us this is hard. Giving up heroin is hard. Beating cancer is hard. Drinking your coffee black. Is. Not. Hard." 
"Don’t even consider the possibility of a “slip”. Unless you physically tripped and your face landed in a box of donuts, there is no “slip”."
"You never, ever, ever HAVE to eat anything you don’t want to eat. You’re all big boys and girls. Toughen up. Learn to say no.  It’s always a choice, and we would hope that you stopped succumbing to peer pressure in 7th grade." 
I am super stoked to start my challenge, and as I sit here drinking my Kona Longboard in a frosty mug and eating Nutella out of the jar, I am glad to know that I won't be doing this anymore for the next 30 days! My friend Ellie started the challenge with her husband right after the New Year and they are both feeling great and loving it. I had intended on starting it at the same time, but decided not to subject Rusty to the potential moodiness that may occur in the beginning, so I waited until he left for a bit to start. Can't wait to start feeling the same!


  1. Wow Heather, you have to keep up posted on your progress. I think something like this is great. Tim and I were reading about it, and thinking about maybe doing something like this in May, after we run the Marathon/Half Marathon in Nashville in April. I just don't trust myself to eat enough when running that much...while going without grain and legumes cannot be compared to fighting cancer, those two would be the big challenges for me. Plus, I'm hoping to still be nursing too, so one thing at a time. Did you ever do any "cleanses" like this while you were nursing? You'll have to update us, maybe we'll get inspired!

  2. I did not do any cleanses while I was nursing. I too was worried about how it might affect my milk supply. But, in retrospect I wish I would've been eating more like that while nursing. The object is not weight loss or dieting, its about optimal nutrition. So, I can eat eat eat all I want, just only good things. I will update as I go along, as well as post any recipes I find super yummy. I'll be in Nashville for the marathon too! Maybe we can get together! I would love to see you and your fam!

  3. Heather! Yes! Let's definitely get together in Nashville! Do you have my email address? It's hconkin20@yahoo.com Send me your cell number and I'll send you mine. Good luck with the cleanse...would LOVE to see blog posts with recipes or tips. Did you get the book?
