Saturday, February 19, 2011

What's New

Well, for those of you who don't already know, Eli and I made the trip up to Franklin, TN on Monday to my mom's house. We will be hanging out here for a while, probably til my marathon (gulp) on Apr 30th. That is as long as Mom & Rob don't get sick of us and kick us out! hahaha! But seriously, being here is great. I am so thankful Eli has a great GiGi & Grandpa who love him and love playing with him and spending time with him. It is so nice for me to be able to go to the gym and workout, go for a run, get a shower, or maybe have a little "me" time now and then. Mom is also glad to have me here because Rob has just started his new job with Microsoft (yay!) and is in the weeds, so to speak. He just finished his first week, and he is so stoked about his new position, but as with any transition to a new company and new role, there is much to learn. Rob is somewhat of a perfectionist, which of course makes him outstanding at any job he seeks to accomplish, but also makes him feel a little overwhelmed having to learn all new stuff. He says his colleagues at MS have been amazing, and I know it will be no time before he is up and running. He and Mom have been really blessed by this amazing job he landed with MS.

In other news, I am SUPER STOKED to be officially a member of CrossFit Middle Tennessee. At least for 2 1/2 months. It is so awesome to have people who dig the same style of working out as I do. To have people that know way more than me, to coach me on my form, and to push me to do more than I thought I could do. To meet other chicks who like to throw heavy weight around! To talk about Paleo recipes, mobility exercises and pose running. I Love It. They even have a CF Endurance certified coach there, so I am looking forward to taking advantage of his expertise while I train for my upcoming marathon (gulp).

In Eli news, he is just getting cuter and funnier by the day. He is really starting to communicate more, especially with his tone and inflection of his voice. He is obviously understanding a lot more now, and imitating a lot more. He will grab his toes when I start to say "This little Piggy..." He will hold the phone up to his ear and talk (baby jibberish). He is starting to play with things more interactively (I think that's the word I'm looking for). Like with these little toy dinosaurs my mom has. He'll make two of them fight, make them walk up and down surfaces, etc. He is really starting to show more of his personality, and my mom says it reminds her so much of me at that age. I absolutely love the little guy to pieces. He is more and more fun every day. I am so blessed to have such a good boy. Napping and sleeping like a dream. Makes me nervous for #2. Like a second one could NOT be this good!

And in nutrition news...well, I am officially at the end of my initial Whole30 challenge. Yes, I fell off the wagon for a 4 day stint, but I identified the issue, got back on the wagon and finished strong. I am NOT beating myself up about it anymore, and I am moving on. I said that I was going to start all over with the Whole30, but I feel that right now that may not be the right choice. I am planning on remaining Paleo 90% of the time, but I think it will be wise to make it a little less stressful on myself for now. My plan is to go back 100% 30 days out from my marathon. I want to be in the utmost awesome health possible for it. Because I did my first distance run today since getting my cast off, and it. was. terrible. But, I am hoping for a quick bounce back, esp with eating clean a majority of the time. For the time being, I am kind of letting Saturdays be my lax day. Not that I'm going to shove my face with all non-Paleo food on Saturdays, but if I feel like something non-Paleo that day, I'll have it. Then back to business Sun-Fri. I feel like that's a pretty good balance, and one that's very attainable. And thanks to you guys who commented on my derailment confessions. I really gleaned something from each comment, and it was helpful! You guys rock!

I also want to write about my extreme annoyance when I thought I would get back on Facebook. That lasted for about 5 seconds. I will share that in another post. I've already rambled on enough tonight! (while enjoying an outstanding glass of Cab...def one of those splurges that is WORTH IT!)


  1. Love it!!! So glad you're doing good! Miss you already! Of course when you're gone I always go to call you and remember you cant hang out! Why can't I do that more often when you're here?! Love you girl!

  2. Can't wait to hear you rant about facebook! The over posters are the most annoying thing to me, but I love how easy it is to stay in touch with people, and I'm probably guilting of "over-posting" myself!

  3. I, personally, and am looking forward to the Facebook post. :)
